Another place for your creativity! Design your own ( message ) 4o4-error message. This possibility is permanent - no dead-lines. All contributions will be put into random rotation script with monitored numbers of displayings.
Rules are:

  • theme: 4o4-error message ;)
  • no sites advertisments or links to other sites
  • size < 30kb
  • index.html entrace file
  • recomemned is link to the ( message ) portal ( )

Send your .zip-ed contributions (with author/desc/email/homesite infos) here.

c o n t r i b u t i o n s

author mail web desc shown 404 link date
(o)step mail E R R or 404 934 >>> Aug/o6/oo
meri mail web not found 3951 >>> Nov/o8/oo
m>i>m mail web marilyn says: error 404 4514 >>> Jun/19/oo
zden mail web 4o4-4-e4er 4594 >>> May/27/oo
d2b mail web 404 4588 >>> May/17/oo
haef mail alter exit 4752 >>> May/15/oo
sahko bus #404 4698 >>> May/09/oo
lharp mail chn.404 4621 >>> May/o7/oo
boaz mail web tape by tape 4748 >>> May/o2/oo
salo mail challenger.4o4/1986 4744 >>> Apr/26/oo
salo mail sherlock homeless 4967 >>> Apr/25/oo
ugri mail call 404 now! 4911 >>> Apr/2o/oo
HiFiEli mail web The 404 Ghost will save you from Error 4944 >>> Apr/19/oo
kung fu klon .r.a.w 4932 >>> Apr/19/oo
fhk mail web probe and oranges 4973 >>> Apr/18/oo
moz mail web stop! 4751 >>> Apr/18/oo
raist mail clovece nezlob se... 4882 >>> Apr/18/oo
raist mail recorrect 4781 >>> Apr/18/oo
moz mail web 4876 >>> Apr/17/oo
adamm mail web what's most important? 4959 >>> Apr/16/oo
boaz mail web 4842 >>> Apr/16/oo
NeoSoleil mail web 4:04 alarm chases the msg.dreams away :( 5020 >>> Apr/13/oo
zden mail web 404 WATCH OUT 5119 >>> Apr/12/oo
zden mail web da klassix - first ( message ) 4o4 5188 >>> n/a
stats are monitored from Apr/13/oo

( message )