Pouzite zdroje:
- Dolores
O. Brien: Archetypes on Internet
- Mark Stefik: Internet
Dreams - Archetypes, Myths and Metaphors
(MIT Press, 1996)
- Carl Gustav Jung: Vybor
z dila, sv. I.
(nakl. Tomase Janecka, Brno, 1996)
- Carl Gustav Jung: Duse
moderniho cloveka
(nakl. Atlantis, Brno, 1994)
- Mitchell
Kapor, Jerry Berman: A Superhighway through the Wasteland
(New York Times, November 1993)
- Mircea Eliade: Dejiny
nabozenskych predstav a idei /I
(vyd. Agora, 1995)
- Mircea Eliade: Mytus
o vecnem navratu - archetypy opakovani
(ISE, 1993)
- Europe
And The Global Information Society: Recommendations To The
European Council
(Brussels, May 1994)
- Peter
Deutsch: Preserving and Promoting the Internet Culture
(Internet World, March 1994)
- Lubor Matous (prekl.):
Epos o Gilgamesovi
(Mlada Fronta, 1997)
- Pajkus
(prekl.): 000 000 111 - dvojiti agenti
(prielom #6)
- Project
- Projekt
- Diskusná
skupina sme-l